Northcrest Developments
Toronto, ON

Institutionally owned development company master planning and developing the 370-acre Downsview Airport Lands on behalf of PSP Investments.

Downsview, Northcrest Developments  

Areas of support:

  • Corporate Strategic Planning and Report Development: Managed a strategic planning program to facilitate, extract, organize and develop critical corporate and project development and planning material. With the team, we reviewed and compared, drafted and formatted, and designed and developed an internal 5-Year Rolling Strategic Planning Report that communicated the incredible plans of a complex 370-acre multi-year development project.   

  • Internal Reporting, Planning and Research: Supported ongoing communications through the development of internal strategies and reporting, project managed a place vision and strategy initiative and continued to provide development research to best position future development work in the context of global best practices. 

  • Interim Activation Facilitation and Strategic Support: Supported the team to facilitate and organize early day and highly evolving interim activation planning and work, providing a critical jump-start into longer view planning.   

I’m always very impressed by the breadth of what Natalie can do and how flexible and versatile she is in tackling a problem.
— Derek Goring, Executive Vice President, Development, Northcrest Developments